This was one of those weekends where New things come out of Nowhere! On Saturday my husband, friend Andy and I went out for lunch and then went to Gamestop and Barnes and Noble. It was at those two places my new things came about.
First at Gamestop Andy bought a Wii Fit but decided he did not want to use it yet so is letting me borrow it. I did my first workout last night (Sat). I love that you can pick your own trainer and the exercises you want to focus on but Hate that they make your Mii gain or lose weight based on your weight and BMI. What a downer! I am thinking if I continue to like this I will be getting one for my birthday in July. I am very sore this morning and I only did a few exercises. I also learned my my posture is leaning towards the right. Wow!
Then we went to Barnes and Noble and I found a Recorder and songbook. I played the recorder in 4th grade and only learned one song. So I got the songbook and recorder (only $5!) and went home and started to learn the notes. I am working on Camptown Races and do not have that down yet but see above for a video of me doing a simpler song!
EXTRA CREDIT: I went to Target to pick up some supplies and got a free re-usable bag with a coupon for $2 those energy efficient bulbs. I am excited to have the bag to shop with at Target and at Aldi. We only use the plastic bags to clean up after Pretzel with anyway!
What a fun-filled day!
Son #3 had to learn the recorder when he was in fourth grade. He hated it! I think he lost his multiple times, and we had to purchase two new ones (although one of the "lost" instruments turned up later).
Jackie, I freakin' love it! You totally rock girl! I loved getting to hear you talk as well as play and I have that same bag from Target.
Thank you so much!
I hate that the Mii gains weight too! That first time I used it and it weighed me and then the Mii blew up to size, I freaked out.
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