Many of you know, I love Facebook. Not only has it been a chance to reconnect with old friends as well as getting to know new ones, but it's also been therapeutic for me. One of the things I have doing was when I was having a bad day and did not want to sound too negative I would write my rant in Spanish. Today I ended up having a negative Facebook experience with some acquaintances of mine, a married couple....the same married couple where I attended their wedding shower even though I have been struggling with infertility. They informed me that "If I could not post in English I should not post at all."-- My Mom always said if you don't have something nice to say don't say anything at all!
Just to give you some background, this has been a terrible day for my husband and I. We found out some more negative information concerning our former apartment manager that I do not want to get into right now. The comment that was posted on Facebook upset both my husband and I and I explained (once again as I had explained this with them before) that this was something I did on Facebook when I was having a bad day, I did not appreciate their comments and it was my Facebook and I would post what I wanted to. (I also have 4-5 friends who do translate and enjoy doing this as they are fluent in Spanish). 30 minutes later they tell me I need to make Facebook fun for everyone and needed to STOP writing in Spanish. After consulting with a friend of mine on there I decided I did not need that negativity on my page and took them off my friends list. They know I was having a bad day still chose to attack me over Speaking Spanish on my site once in awhile. Sheesh!
I am hoping tomorrow will be a better day...
Both you and I wrote a post about Facebook on the same day. Amazing!
I think you were right to take those people off your friend list. They're not "winners" for you.
BTW-I've not learned how to separate my "friends" into groups and allow different access to different chunks of people. Have you?
Grrr, I was impressed you knew that much spanish. I honestly never bothered myself with what you were saying. I just figured if you wanted me to know you would say it so I could understand. :)
Sorry this took so long I was on a big boat in the Carribbian with no internet. Later!
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