Kicking the Habit
I have decided to get rid of my Caffeine habit. I tried this before but for the wrong reasons (I had a doctor who would not perscribe me migraine meds and instead told me to kick caffeine. I eventually got another doctor.) But I have decided I want to get rid of this part of my life. Lately I have been up to 5 pops a day (normally Mountain Dews). I do not like having to depend on Pop for energy boosts. I do not like having the crash that comes when the caffeine boost is gone. I do not want to put myself at risk diabetes or chest pains.
Today was day one of my caffeine elimination. I will not go cold Turkey (and have been advised not to by many websites and others who have done this). I had struggles that I have read are normal. While I slept like a baby last night, I had a great deal of trouble concentrating today, was irritable and tonight while waiting for my husband to get out of a taste test, I had a huge drop in my blood sugar and felt weak and dizzy. After we had supper I felt like my old self again and we enjoyed a walk around Mall of America. I want to get out and enjoy life more and not worry if a venue is serving caffeine. I want to get up and go without having to rely on the Mountain Dew pick me up. It won't be easy and will be gradual but I am ready and willing to do it.
I will keep you all posted in the coming weeks on my progress.
Wow! Five Mountain Dews a day. That's indeed a lot of caffeine.
DH goes through cycles in his coffee drinking-sometimes a bit and sometimes a whole bunch. A couple of years ago when he was in the latter category, he tried to cut himself off cold turkey. He had horrible symptoms, including chest pains. You're smart not to do it that way.
Good luck! That's hard to do.
I drink far too much coke zero, but the caffeine doesn't seem to affect me. I used to be hooked on regular coke, and the caffeine was definitely an issue then - if I didn't have it, I would have a headache, etc.
Good luck!!
I kicked my dr. pepper habit a few months ago, but am still not ready to let go of caffeine. I am pretty much a zombie in the morning until my coffee, and I sure love a glass of sweet tea. But I don't think I am addicted to it like I was when I daily had as many dr. pepper's as you had mt. dews.
It gets easier though... trust me, coke/dr pepper/mt dew (etc...) don't taste near as good as they use to when you were addicted to them!
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