I am slowly getting into this 365 photo challenge and trying not to be hard on myself (as some of my friends doing this are pretty polished photographers...one having her own studio.) But I am enjoying doing this. There are a couple of days I had a lack of sleep and kicked myself for not bringing my camera, but as the days have gone on I have found myself going out of my comfort zone to get photos and thinking outside the box. Without further adieu, here are my shots for this week.

This is the shirt I had custom made after my Grandmother passed. It says it all!

This is our underground parking lot that was supposed to be done by January 1st. It probably will be done by...Spring?

On the way to a client appointment. Doing a lot of hurrying up and waiting.

Pretzel on his nightly romp outside.

This is the Ice Houses on one of the Nearby lakes. I wanted to get a photo of the actual fishers that were out but the skiers kept getting in the way.
Hope you all have had a great
Does Pretzel like to roll around in the snow? P & W certainly do!
Shockingly, no! He does like to run around in it and stick his nose in it though!
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