(DISCLAIMER: This post is not to endorse any candidate either way.....I will not welcome any political propaganda towards either candidate in the comments section.) I have decided who I am going to vote for but only discuss this on a need to know basis. But I feel this new thing needed to be done (See post below)
It's election season....with election season comes numerous e-mails that clutter up my inboxes and commercial after commercial of political ads. There has also been a barrage of Propaganda popping up on Facebook lately (so an so joined a group to support such and such a candidate OR so and so says you need to go to this website to check up on so and so OR (and this one really irks me) So and so says such and such candidate needs to shut up.)
I will say I am getting kind of burned out by the propaganda but I will also say this is a VERY important election coming up. With that said I made my own statement today on Facebook. On my status I encouraged people to go to this site to check their facts on candidates instead of blindly following what political ads or e-mail forwards (which I do not read anymore I simple delete) say. If one were to buy a car they would find out the ratings on the make and model they want to get. If one were to rent and apartment or buy a house they would go through inspections and check information. The same should be with voting. People need to do their research and pick the candidate that's best for them....not because of Party lines, not because their friends like so and so and not because of a political ad or e-mail.
(Stepping off my soapbox now)....Just some food for thought.
It's election season....with election season comes numerous e-mails that clutter up my inboxes and commercial after commercial of political ads. There has also been a barrage of Propaganda popping up on Facebook lately (so an so joined a group to support such and such a candidate OR so and so says you need to go to this website to check up on so and so OR (and this one really irks me) So and so says such and such candidate needs to shut up.)
I will say I am getting kind of burned out by the propaganda but I will also say this is a VERY important election coming up. With that said I made my own statement today on Facebook. On my status I encouraged people to go to this site to check their facts on candidates instead of blindly following what political ads or e-mail forwards (which I do not read anymore I simple delete) say. If one were to buy a car they would find out the ratings on the make and model they want to get. If one were to rent and apartment or buy a house they would go through inspections and check information. The same should be with voting. People need to do their research and pick the candidate that's best for them....not because of Party lines, not because their friends like so and so and not because of a political ad or e-mail.
(Stepping off my soapbox now)....Just some food for thought.
Thanks for the link to FactCheck. I bookmarked it so I can refer to it later.
I'm not completely sure who I'll be voting for; I know I'm not going to get the information from the mud-slinging, semi-accurate ads on TV!
It's just sad that some adults actually believe everything they hear in the political ads. When one is voting for a future leader of the country it is important to do your research!
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