In college I was a fitness buff. I loved Rollerblading, Abs of Steel, yoga and walking (especially long walks I used to take with my College Roomate, Kristin. I also did some Tae Bo on a regular basis while working the overnight shift right out of college. After I got married my motivation for working out seemed to go away. Sure I take our dog for walks but the longer walks have become few and far between these days.
A year or two ago I bought the pictured DVD in hopes of getting back into the Yoga routine again. Yoga is one workout where I can stick with it and feel so relaxed from it. Today I actually put the DVD in and completed the workout. Since I took a long walk with my hubby and puppy yesterday, that makes 2 days in a row I have worked out. I am hoping I can make the walking/yoga combo a regular thing.
Yoga is so relaxing and good for you it would be a good habit to get into. Thanks for your kind words Jackie.
This is definitely on my to-do list as well. I have never done yoga or pilates - and I own free CDs for both so there's no excuse! I think seeing this post is a sign that I should try it this weekend. It sounds like a really peaceful good thing to do for my body.
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