I do not like to go to the grocery store on an empty stomach. We were down to our bare minimum of Groceries so after a relaxing morning of sleeping in I decided to McDonalds for a bite to eat (while I let the car get nice and warm because it is below zero here). I ordered a cheeseburger Happy Meal with an extra Cheeseburger (I like that the portions are smaller in a Happy Meal). I ended up getting 2 straws and 2 toys with my happy meal then I glanced at the odometer and it the last 3 numbers were 222! Lots of 2's today....very interesting. This was so Random I just had to make it my new thing of the day!
EDIT: EXTRA CREDIT---I found this video on Yahoo and was watching it on our computer (that if I haven't mentioned had to have the whole hardrive replaced. Luckily our friend JP did it for free.) when my dog started flipping out and barking at the TV. So I had to calm down my "fur child" who was jealous of the dogs on the computer video. I recommend clicking the link and watching the video. It's funny! For your viewing pleasure, I have enclosed a picture of me and my fur child to the left!
wow...that's pretty crazy about all the 2s...at least they weren't 6es! :P
have you read karen kingsbury's third book about 9/11?
Happy Meals Rock! Just the right size. Love the picture of you and pupster.
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