Through my Church I am taking a Spiritual Gifts (aka GPS) class at the end of January. Before we take the class we are supposed to fill out an inventory and e-mail our top 5 spiritual gifts to the leader. I have filled out some really short versions of this online but never like this (over 125 questions). So I filled out a 125 question Spiritual gift inventory and got some interesting answers. Being a Social Worker and all I always thought my top gift would be serving. That actually ranked as my #4 greatest spiritual gift. My top ones were Faith at #1, Teaching at #2 (a huge shocker for me) and Encouragment at #3 (this one really did not surprise me). Hospitality also made the top 5. I am looking forward to the class mid Month to see which areas would be a good fit for me to help out in our church!
Summer by the numbers
6 months ago
Hi Jackie, what a cool idea. Is there somewhere I can do the short survey online? I'd love to know what my top gifts are and how best to use them :) And Happy New Year!
At the end of the class you should get new evaluations and they may not be the same... if they use the same set our church used.
I haven't done the class bc we only have 2 services and I serve in one and attend the 2nd... (I haven't stepped out of not having any service time for the 8 weeks!). Alex took the class though and was right on track with using his gifts and stuff. It's pretty interesting.
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