Where is everyone? I am beginning to think my site has become boring!
Today I said goodbye--said it twice so to speak. First I went to the last day of our Local Scrapbook store (across the street) being open. It will be sad to no longer have them there.
Then I watched Marley and Me. I was having a bad day and knew the ending had to do with saying goodbye. I bawled for a good hour. I am glad to have such a cute puppy who lets me cry into his fur and gives me kisses. I have a short video I took of his reaction to seeing Marley on the TV but my computer is being stupid. In the meantime, here are some other photos for your viewing pleasure! (If you see the video actually show up below...it means I was successful!)--Okay some random video just came up for our old place we lived in back in 2006. But it's also a cute video and I hope you enjoy it! I just wonder how it got there!