I love books. I really do. Mostly I tend to get my books from the library or from Half Price books, or as a gift. It is a rarity I will get a book from the store right when I hear about it--I will generally get it only after I have read it and decided I like it. When I give away my books I tend to bring them in for money to Half Price books (where they give you diddly squat for them), I give them as gifts or what I used to do was trade them in on Paperback swap. Today I did something different--I gave about 7 of these books--mostly hardcover--away on Freecycle. I put up 2 ads--one giving away clothes (which I have done many times) and one giving away the books. I had seven responses and had to turn 6 people away. The only annoying thing about Freecycle is there are the chosen few who do not read the ad. I always say "must take everything" and these people (especially for the clothes) are like "well list the titles you have for me" or "I'll come by and see what you have." No, when I say "Must take all" I mean "must take all". Not to be mean, but my Mom always told me "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth."
Summer by the numbers
6 months ago
A few years ago I was a big Freecycle user, but I gave away a lot more than I received. Now I don't use it so much; I've got to do more big cleaning before I have stuff to get rid of!
I know what you mean about the people who don't read the ad, or ask a question that's clearly addressed in the post. However, my biggest complaint were the ones who kept pestering me when they weren't chosen to receive my things.
I always forget to look on Freecycle when I need something. Hopefully, I will remember next time before I go out and spend money I shouldn't spend.
I've never checked Freecycle. Now that's a new thing I should do. It is hard for big readers like we are to keep ourselves in books with the cost these days isn't it. I'm always reluctant to buy a new author in particular in case I don't like.
I buy almost all of my books off of half.com. You have to carefully read the descriptions to know how good of shape that they are in, but you can get them for super cheap.
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