Today I have 2 new things--one serious and one fun. For the serious new thing I signed a petition to release American Journalist Roxanna Saberi from Iran. In order to silence her, Roxanna Saberi was entrapped by agents of the government and arrested for the crime of buying a bottle of wine. We believe that she is being held in that same Evin prison where most political prisoners are held, tortured and executed. She has been unable to communicate with the outside world for weeks. We believe that Roxanna's life is in grave danger and that she may meet a very grisly death unless we put pressure on the Regime to release her. This petition will be presented to senior Iranian officials in a very public way so that the Regime will feel unable to secretly murderer Roxanna. I did a lot of work with Amnesty International in High School and have been wanting to do a new thing associated with them once again. For those of you who are interested the link to the petition and story is below.
My other new thing--my husband and Puppy Pretzel's birthdays are today. Mike turns 36 and Pretzel is the old age of 5 (35 in dog years). We had a birthday celebration earlier for Mike as he is not very big on his birthday. However, we had a birthday celebration for Pretzel. He was treated to a nice new Beef flavored bone and also got the Frozen Paws Dog treat. He also stole my sandwich today when I was not looking but that was not a planned treat!
i really like the new layout!
Haha. It cracks me up that Pretzel stole your sandwich. But, you can't get mad at him on his b-day, can you?
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