I am not sure how many people are left reading this but I just wanted to let you know that I found out this week my Grandmother has stage 4 cancer and has less than 6 months left to live. I will be flying out to see her in Montana the first week in September. I have learned 2 things this week 1) Cancer sucks---it tears apart families and breaks hearts. My father also died from cancer in Feb of 2008. 2) You really find out who the supportive people are in your life. I have had some really wonderful family members, co-workers and friends come around me in support during this difficult time. On the same note I have been also hurt be some people who have found out via e-mail or Facebook about the news and have said nothing--not even an "I'll pray for you and your family". My husband reminds me that they just might not know what to say but it's still hard. I am just trying to focus on the time i have left with my Grandma right now and having people to support me.
Having the photo editing software has been a good distraction during this hard time. The first picture is of Pretzel trying to get water off of the ac unit after a rainstorm. The second photo is of The Cheese Cave in one of the small towns I had to go to for work. Photo #3 illustrates one of my central locations in my job (besides my office) which would be my car. I added a black and white background with a photo booth frame. The last photo is of Mike and Pretzel taking a nap. I added a Green toned background.
Until next time,
I am so sorry about your Grandmother. I pray for God's peace and comfort for you and your family during this time. I hope your visit in September will be a very special time with her.
You're definitely in my thoughts. I pray that God will be with you during this difficult time.
I'm sorry to hear that. :o( It's never easy, especially when you're not near them.
I agree with Mike on the comments thing. IDK!
I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. I'll be praying for you and your family.
How long will you be able to visit with your Grandma Jackie? Any time you have will be special for the both of you. So very sorry you both have to go through this, yes cancer does suck. I agree with Mike as well. It is hard to know how to respond at a time like this. Words can't change things but take what solace you can from the knowledge that there are people out here who are thinking and praying for you. {{HUGS}}
I will be leaving on the 1st and coming back on the 4th. It's a few days but my Grandma is having a steady stream of visitors come through. My Mom and eldest sister are already there and my older sister is flying out this week. Next week it's me and then my Aunt and Uncle will be out Labor day wknd.
I think the people where it hurts me the most when they don't say anything are the ones I have stood by in similar situations and the friends who have known me for a long time and known how close I am with my Grandma. She lived with us for 7 years while I was growing up. I try to be there and support people who are going through things like this and I just get upset when people can't even say "I'm sorry" or "You are in my thoughts and prayers."
I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandma! You are in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this difficult time.
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