Have you ever felt that with each passing day you knew more and more you needed time off? That's the way I have been feeling lately. I have been so stressed and distracted I have forgotten to take my camera with me when I go out. But have no fear: I still have some good Photos of the day to share with you! The first photo on the top left is Pretzel and I walking down the long street that runs on the side of our complex. It's nice to live in a neighborhood without constuction and with sidewalks and trees!
The photo on the top right was actually taken today! It's the picture frame I got for my desk at work and it says "Who's your doggy!" I got it at one of the outlet stores here for $2.00! Good deal! =) Pretzel is wondering why his photo is not in the frame yet!
Photo #3 represents the fact I am looking forward to having the ENTIRE first week of September off! Part of that will be going to a Twins Game as they are playing their last season in the Dome. I am very much looking forward to it.
Our fourth picture was taken on a late night this week where my husband was doing one of his contracting jobs. This is Pretzel waiting rather impatiently for his daddy to come home.
Picture #5 repsents Sunday the 2nd where I had a grueling migraine as well as some drama via Facebook which many of you know about.
Our last picture repesents the happiness that comes with being in our new place. I love being able to be at home now where it's quiet and whip up my infamous cookies!
Until next time,
Those cookies look great! What kind are they?
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk
hehe "Who's your Doggy?" Pretzel looks like he enjoys having his picture taken. SO glad the new place is working out so well!
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