Sunday, August 16, 2009

Photos amidst Chaos!

Without sounding conceited, I am proud of myself right now for two reasons. The first one is because I found a way to make this challenge even more exciting (and learn more about photography) by trying the photo editing. Some of my pictures have no need for editing but it's fun to take others and make them all the more appealing. I am giving my Facebook audience somewhat of a sneak peek by showing a Photo or two each week, but I am continuing to post all of them on here.
The second reason is because this has been a crazy month and still I have been able to get the photo a day challenge in. I have not been feeling well because of my stomach (I think it's stress related), changes at work due to the budget cuts and people leaving the office for other jobs and because of some personal things that went on over the last week (nothing marriage related). But without further adieu I present: This week's photos!
Top: I Obamaized this photo showing off my tan line from my Flip Flops. I just had to retire the pair I have been wearing all summer but I got a new pair; I like to wear flip flops until it snows!
Photo #2--We babysat our friend's daughter. This is my husband eating my Chicken Enchilladas and "L" having a small sample. I like how Pretzel is peeking out from under the table and how our kitchen has such a home feeling to it now!
Photo #3---This is my hubby biking to his contract job. I would have liked to crop this more but I think it looks okay.
Photo #4--Driving to the small town I go to (to get my oil changed). I go there because they know my name and are always honest with me. I did nothing to edit this photo. I love it the way it is!
Photo #5--"L" brought over Pretzel a treat today. I love the Vingette around it as it really softens the photo.
In two weeks I am on vacation for a week--except some fun "MN Vacation photos that week." I will back way before then but just something to look forward to.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Good going. Love the way you put your own spin on it. Hope things get better soon for your tummy.