I wanted to welcome you all to my "New Things Site." Prior to this I had my posts on a more protected site but I want to give all of my friends and family an opportunity to see what I am doing. I was inspired by this woman to partake in a one year challenge where I would complete a new thing each day. While I am not going to go back and repost everything I have done here is the laundry list of what I have done so far. I will also try to have one new thing each week be a random act of kindness.
Start Date: April 8, 2008
Day 1-Bring your Dog to work day
Day 2- Tried a Chicken Club (I HATE Bacon)
Day 3-Drove to work using mainly backroads
Day 4-Tried Mint Chocolate Oreos
Day 5-Tried the George Foreman Workout
Day 6-Took Pretzel for a walk on a new route
Day 7-CPR with the hearing impaired (and interpreters)
Day 8-Tried Strawberry Oatmeal (ISH)Day 9- Explored Fort snelling between client visits
Day 10-Talked to Courtney on the phone for the 1st time
Day 11-Watched August Rush
Day 12--Ended my Fantasy Nascar Relationship with Jeff Gordon
Day 13-Sat in the Very back of Church (never do that)
Day 14-Drove with gas cap hanging out (oops)
Day 15-Bruegger's Mystery Shop
Day 16-MS Walk Training with Michelle
Day 17--Accidentally Parked Valet
Day 18--D'Amico Shrimp and Salmon Salad (ISH!)
Day 19-Got 3 Purses from Freecycle
Day 20--Watched Brothers and Sisters
Day 21-Played Yahtzee but had Pretzel Blow on the Dice
Day 22-Drove the Work Trash to the Dumpster
Day 23-Addressed Conflict with a fellow Church Member
Day 24-Listed to the Same Billy Joel song 12 times in a row
Day 25-Dried PS2 Tekken Bowling with Hubby
Day 26-Answered a Craigslist Ad for a new friend (did not work out)
Day 27-MS Walk with Michelle
Day 28-Submitted a PostCard to Post Secret.
Day 29-Got Nasty Hiccups for an hour in the Library
Day 30-Compassion Fatigue Training
Day 31- Celebrated National No Socks Day
Day 32-Tried a SlimFast Shake and got my 1st ever Federal Rebate!
Day 33-Got a new car!
Day 34-Set up 1st page in new things challenge scrapbook
Day 35-Tried Pickle Flavored Kettle Chips
Day 36-Tried magmypic.com
Day 37-New Training at Work
Day 38- Wore a Crown at BK and played the accompaning game.
Day 39-Shaved my legs in front of the TV
Day 40-Shot a Pellet Gun
Day 41-Photo Scavenger hunt
Day 42-Got license plates with a XX in them
Day 43-Ran into a dumbbell and bruised my foot
Day 44-Drove 100 miles during client visits
Day 45-Day 1 of Bible on CD
Day 46-Watched St. Elmo's Fire a la Francais.
Day 47-Climbed a Tree in my Sandels
Day 48-Sent a Ecard to the Troops
Day 49-Grocery Shopped at 9AM on a Tuesday.
Day 50-Counted my blessings before I went to sleep
Day 51-Called in a Complaint to KTIS.
Day 52-Had the Superbug (ISHY)
Day 53-Gave Pretzel a Doggie Massage.
Day 54--Gave myself a Pedicure
Day 55- Went to a McDonald's with a Security Drive Thur
Day 56-Took a Perfumed Bubble Bath
Day 57- Took a training on Psychotropic Meds
Day 58-Tried Kama Sutra Ice Cream
Day 59-Tried Crest white Strips
Day 60-Went into a Movie late (I NEVER do this!)
Day 61-Made a care plan for myself
Day 62-Tried Buffalo Wild Wings Terryaki Wings. Ish
Day 63-Registered Dollar on wheresgeorge.com
Day 64-Rode in my car with the windows down singing my lungs out during a rain storm.
Day 65-Went in front of the committee at work for client money for the first time--for 2 clients!
Day 66-Tried Wogging
Day 67-Tried Skinny Cow Ice Cream
Day 68-First father's Day without my father
Day 69-Found a New Park and Tried Pizza Ranch with Mike and Andy
Day 70-Found Hugs and Hope Website
Day 71-Found Kevin Garnett's MN Mansion by accident
Day 72-Tried Tasty Pizza with Mike
Day 73-Tried a Wendy's Frosty Shake
Day 74-Tried Jergen's Sunless Tanner and a new shade of Hair dye
Day 75-Bought Camping Chairs at Gander Mountain.
Day 76-Tried Mtn Dew SuperNova
Day 77-Made an online Memorial to my father
Day 78-Took Pretzel to a Puppy Play Date
Day 79-Filled out a lonnnnngggg County Concurrance Application.
Day 80-Saw the Bucket List
Day 81-Got my oil changed for free!
Day 82-Tried a New Church
Day 83-Got Randomly Serenaded.
July 2008
Day 84-Tried the DQ Thin Mint Blizzard
Day 85-Housesat with Mike and Pretzel.
Day 86-Tried Terryaki Jerkey Nuggets (YUM!)
Day 87-Got to see a Fireworks show from the Backyard/Tried Deep Fried Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Day 88--Played Scrabble with Random people online
Day 89-Went to Church after a face plant!
Day 90-Bought Pretzel Beggin Strips
Day 91-Motorcycle Fued
Day 92-Went to my Happy Place during work (Wisconsin)
Day 93-Answered the K102 Traffic and Trivia Question Correctly (no prize for it). It was: the average person uses 156 of these in their life.
Day 94-Cleaned the Microwave with Vinegar
Day 95-Tried Backyard BBQ pizza at Mansetti's with Mike
Day 96-Had an Impromptu 80's Metal concert with Mike and Pretzel
Day 97-Saw Definitely Maybe (it was just okay)
Day 98-Had a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day at work for the first time!
Day 99-Reunited on Facebook with my High School BFF
Day 100-Ordered something on somethingstore.com (as soon as I know what I got I will let you know. They pick out something Randomly).
Day 101-Tried Chocolate Baklava (ISH!)
Day 102-Took a Shower in the Rain with my clothes on!
Day 103- Applied Online to be on Wheel of Fortune (they pick 600 people a year out of a million who apply--yeah, we'll see if I make it.)
July 21st (Day 104) This was a hard day for me as this was the day my physican told me I have to give up caffeine. It's hasn't been easy but I am committed (if I am feeling really nauseous I will have a super small amout...4 ounces to make headaches go away). I have noticed a decrease in anxiety already.
July 22nd (Day 105)---In the Big League---
Yep, I tried Sour Apple Big League Chew. It was good but I did not think it was really sour...
July 23rd (Day 106)--- Signed up to help with the Brain Injury of MN's fundraising walk in October. I signed up to take pictures.
July 24th (Day 107)--
Went to Cantebury Park Race track with Mike and "A". I placed small bets and actually did well, till a computer error ended my lucky streak.
July 25th (Day 108)--Watched the Movie Anger Management (I did not like it...turned it off after about 45 minutes)
July 26th--(DAY 109) Hello 32! I turned 32 and ate at a new restaurant with my hubby and family.
It's a very nice place and had some great prime rib! They also sang to me with my dessert and put a candle on it. I made a nice wish but will not tell what it is! Also got my Birthday Coldstone in the Chocolate Decadence flavor. I did not like it!
July 27th (Biting the Bullet)--I submitted my registration for the MN state Fair scrapbooking contest!
July 28th (Day 111)--Healthy Happy Meal---Mike and I stopped for some McDonalds after his doctor appointment and I tried this happy meal. The Cheeseburger Happy Meal with Apple Dippers instead of fries. It was REALLY good.
July 29th (Day 112): I have wanted to set up blankets and make a bubble tent out of sheets and floor fans like we did when we were kids. Instead hubby and I did this.
Indoor camping! We set the tent up in the living room!
Good times (can you tell this is post shower, all humidity? Blech!)
July 30th (Day 113)---
I went to the Walker Art Center after work. I got a free pass through the library. I love the Sculpture Gardens next door but...I was not super impressed with the Walker. I stayed for about 30 minutes then drove home. I did like the Cowboy art exhibit the the rest of it was just not for me. At least it only cost me .75 for parking and the admission was free !
I hope this gives you an idea of the things I have done so far! Future updates will include photos as I can fit them in! I look forward to sharing with a broader audience and will also be linking to other thing-a-day sites so you can have a look at those too!
Summer by the numbers
6 months ago
Oops, that link for the Person who inspired me to do that is wrong. It is "Http://jen365.blogspot.com"
I found your blog by your comment on In The New.
I was also inspired by her project and started MY own back in January. After looking at your list, I've added a couple to my own. Hope you don't mind.
Good luck!
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