Today was one of those days for me where I just could not seem to get out of the dumps! Might have been because it is right before payday and we all know how that feels. =) Today I had the day off from work but could like of nothing new to do. So I walked to the store to pick up ingredients for my onion burgers. While I was there I kept seeing people walk out of the deli area with big pieces of pizza. When I got there there was a sign saying Free Pizza Compliments of the Deli. Don't get me wrong, I have had free pizza before at events and work and of course the small free sample slices but have never had HUGE pieces for free at the grocery store. Thus, my new thing for the day is free Deli pizza....and it was DELICIOUS...comparable to a pizza delivery place!
***My hubby wants to share that he also tried a new thing. He had an onion burger topped with an omlette??!!! Don't ask me. He said it was "and interesting taste combination." I will keep my opinions to myself on that one....
-Jackie =)
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