The best laid plans of man....(you know what I'm saying)....
I guess I have 2 new things for the day......
and it's not even 7Am yet!
SO far today has been pretty rough on me. Last night at Culvers I put my check card in the pocket of my jeans and never put it back in my purse. So when I get to the gas station this morning I have no check card. Had to put it on my credit card. :( At the gas station I got a Orange Dreamsicle Doughnut. It was good but I think they could tone down the sweetness a tad.
SO I was in a fog this morning (brain fog) and I get on the wrong highway to get to big deal. I can take the back roads right? WRONG! I went the wrong way on the back roads and ended up in a city I had no need to be in! So I left early for work and got to work late after getting completely lost and taking the wrong freeway to work. I still was the first one here (I am the earlybird of the bunch) and still got my report that was due in one time but it was just a frustrating way to start off the day. I just hope the day gets better as is goes along! =)
Summer by the numbers
6 months ago
I'm totally directionally challenged so I feel for you getting lost.
There are no good backroads to my work either!
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