Friday, May 1, 2009

A terrible, Horrible, no good, VERY BAD thing!

Today I was on my way to work when my car started making a loud noise which seemed to be coming from the back. I pulled into the lot next to the Dodge Dealership and found I blew out my back right rear tire. So I had to take cancel all of my appointments today to hurry up and wait for the car. Not to mention the fact I just shelled $200 out for license tabs and now I had this bill to pay. The picture above is pretty accurate but my damage was a lot worse. The tire was pretty shredded.

Here are some positives that came out of it all.

  1. My boss was understanding and supportive of the whole thing.

  2. Our friend JP picked me up and took me to pick up my car.

  3. Though I normally do not deal with that Dodge Dealership, they were nice and friendly. They had someone drive me home so I did not have to wait 3 hours for the repair to be done.

  4. At least I wasn't injured.



Jen said...

So sorry to hear about your tire situation. But, at least you can look at it with a positive attitude! :)

Jeanne said...

Holy cow that looks aweful. Good thing you weren't on a highway going like 65.