I have been sick this week. With being sick has come more time rest on the couch and watch TV. What I have been seeing lately has disgusted me; a lot of coverage of Tiger Woods and the "mistresses in his life". Seriously? My personal favorite is when they go to these launch parties for toys, clothes, etc and ask former teen stars (like Joey Lawrence and Melissa Joan Hart) their throughts on Tiger Woods. It saddens me to see that in the middle of the Christmas Season where many of our soldiers are away from home, during a time where we should be focusing on giving to others and good will towards men, that people are glued to their TV's watching Tiger Woods fall off the pedistal many of the same people put him up on.
Do you know what I would love to see? I would love to see camera come into the homes of these TV Correspondants (like Mary Hart and Nancy O'Dell) and have them air THEIR dirty laundry and TV to see how they like it. While I do agree that public access comes with being a celebrity and that morals are important, I also believe that those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. How many people do we really have to see interviewed for their thoughts on Michael Phelps, Tiger Woods, Jon and Kate or any other figures in the spotlight?
On Wednesday I was really looking forward to hearing stories about the winner of the Biggest Loser and the Highlights of the finale the night before, like each season prior. Nope, a whole 30 minutes devoted to Tiger Woods and how insiders in Sweden saw this coming......it's days when I am sick on the couch I am glad I can flip the channel to Wheel of Fortune or Let's Make a Deal...shows that don't involve celebrity scandal.
That's just my pet peeve.....how about instead of focusing on celebrity scandals we can focus on making the world a better place?
I could not agree with you more! I am so sick of hearing about it. I'm especially tired of listening to the people the "news" outlets are interviewing, too. Quite frankly, I don't care what life coaches and publicists have to say about the matter. Really, I don't care about the whole thing. It's not important news and they're devoting waaaay too much time to covering it.
I'm with you 100% I used to be a on line gossip addict I am now a recovering addict for this exact reason.
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