Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Day 176 (October 1st) In Sequence

Our friend "A" has themes things he specifically likes to do for 2 month spans. He calls these things themes. One theme was an outdoor theme, another was a restaurant theme. His current theme is a Board Game theme. To celebrate this, tonight Mike and I went to "A"'s and played Sequence. Neither Mike nor I had ever played it and it s a lot of fun. This is certainly a game we would like to add to our board game collection!


maxine said...

I love Sequence! I have been playing it for 8 years or so. My 12 y/o and I play each other, as well as breaking it out with friends, they have a big plastic roll out board which is fun too. enjoy!

Kathy G said...

I LIKE the idea of having themes...might have to try that out after my project is finished in January.