I am a follower of a website called Chic Book Reviews. New books are discussed and sometimes the author is interviewed. Reviews are done on the books by the website's author and sometimes books are given away....usually 1-3 a week. I was beginning to think I would never win any books off this site...until this morning when I won....The new Joyce Meyer book (see above). I actually just got done reading it this wknd as I checked it out from the library but I loved it so much I was planning on buying it!
I can tell you this much---after the week I have been having (a client screaming at me on my voice mail, a co-worker leaving files in disarray after he found another job and leaving me overwhelmed)...it's nice to have something like this coming my way. =)
woo hoo! Yea for good timing!
YaY Jackie! Good for you winning.
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