Today I went to a training my supervisor signed a small group of us on concerning Mental Health issues. It was really interesting.
One of the breakout sessions I went to was called Psychological first aid. It was covering how to provide assistance to those who have recently experienced a traumatic situuation. Like First Aid, I received a card when the course was over but this card is a pocket guide to carry with me and go over when I may be in this situation. I really enjoyed the trainings I went to and just wanted to share with you one interesting point that was brought up in the keynote speakers time.
"I worked with a patient who was diagnosed with late onset schizphrenia. Prior to this she had been hospitalized and treated with cancer. She stated 'I was treated well when I had cancer.' When you or someone you love has an illess such as cancer people send flowers and come to visit. When you or a loved one is suffering from a mental illness, one tends to feel isolated. The flowers do not come and the visitors are few and far between."
(NOTE: This was a point that had a big effect on me. This is not a point to debate whether mental illness is as serious as other physical diseases. Thank you.)