Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Day 225 (November 19th)--Compression

EPILOGUE: I LOVE THE HOT APPLE Blast at Caribou Coffee. Delicious! My favorite drink there!

This is a small new thing but it is one of those little thing that tends to impress me. At work today I found we had gotten some compression dusters in for our computers. This is a good thing. I tend to eat my meals I have at work (breakfast and lunch) at the computer then the crumbs get in their and it is one big mess. I had fun putting the duster to work today...I think I need some of these for my home computer. =)

Extra credit: At 3 PM I have a meeting with my Mentor at Caribou Coffee. I am going to have a HOT Apple Blast which will be my new thing #2. I will post an addendum with my thoughts on this drink that is easy on the eyes. (I am NOT a coffee drinker....I rarely drink a coffee drink but do like their non coffee creations.)


1 comment:

Jeanne said...

I love those things! We have them at work too and they do the trick!