AH, the Drama! Make it stop!
I did a few new things today but what I have learned is: sometimes the random new things are the more interesting ones. There was nothing on TV tonight. The Olympic events I want to see are not on until tomorrow and the other shows left much to be desired. With that said, my husband and I decided to find a show to make a mockery of. We found Big Brother 10 and I ended up doing my dramatic interpretations of the annoying and overly dramatic show. From people whispering their plans of who should stay on the eviction block to "showmances", to the overly pained person winning the power of veto then wondering who to stay true to after a contestant called him a "Judas" the week before.
I ended up not only doing dramatic interpretations, but also would break into song when I would hear the magic catch phrases (e.g. Should I stay or should I go? and of course La Cucaracha during veto challenge involving cockroaches.) I also began throwing movie quotes into the mix (what are you going to do today? Whatever I feel like doing, Gosh! I want the Truth! You can't handle the truth) I don't have any video of this, sorry. I will tell you this much though; those acting courses I took in college really have paid off, LOL! Maybe I should go on the show......half of those people go on to further their acting careers. (I am totally kidding about going on the show, but not kidding about these people going on in hopes of becoming the next Brad Pitt or Lindsay Lohan). Until next time!
if you could go on any tv show, which would you do?
I think I would want to go on Who wants to be a Millionaire or Wheel of Fortune. I would have loved to be on One vs 100 but that got cancelled. I would never go on Moment of Truth--I think those people go on there for attention! I also would not mind going on the Amazing Race but could never get that much time off from work! My clients would miss me too much!
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